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No dia 29 de Abril de 2023 inauguramos um novo mural e exposição na Circus Network. O talentoso artista argentino Tomas Facio usou apenas tinta da china para criar figuras de luz e sombra, tornado este mural completamente diferente de todos os outros que já vimos aqui. As obras em exposição são originais deste artista, de tinta sobre papel, havendo uma serigrafia.

On april 29th 2023 we open a new mural and exhibition at Circus Network. The talented Argentine artist Tomas Facio used only china ink to create figures of light and shadow, making this mural completely different from all the others we've had here. The artworks exhibited are originals by this artist, made with ink on paper, and there is also one silkscreen print. The prices are the following.

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          Tomas Facio - Serigrafia


          Tomas Facio - Untitled 4


          Tomas Facio - Untitled 3


          Tomas Facio - Untitled 2


          Tomas Facio - Untitled 1


          Tomas Facio - Landscape


          Tomas Facio - Saudade

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