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Art Shop

In the store included in the gallery, we sell all kinds of works made by over 100 artists, most of them Portuguese. From original canvases to small sculptures, prints, photographs, clothing or books, our collection has all kinds of techniques, dimensions and prices.

The Caver - Doggy Dog


GUTFACE - Ruglife


GUTFACE - Puzzled


GUTFACE - Gnome Home


GUTFACE - Flattonator


GUTFACE - Pothead


GUTFACE - Toolface


GUTFACE - Knot a Pencil


GUTFACE - Street Gnome 6


GUTFACE - Street Gnome 5


GUTFACE - Street Gnome 4


GUTFACE - Street Gnome 3


GUTFACE - Street Gnome 2


GUTFACE - Street Gnome 1


LIQEN - Perspéntico


The Caver - Looking Forward


Fedor - Hungry for paint


Mikko Heino - Bad Match
